
An Exploration of Wellness

A Five Day Retreat Experience

August 2025 | Sedona, Arizona

Are you ready to reset and re-connect?

Curious: An Exploration of Wellness is specifically curated for individuals that are seeking all types of healing in their lives and are curious about different perspectives of wellness. Capo has purposefully chosen a talented and connected group of healers that have decades of experience in helping people navigate to their self-purpose. Our goal is to inspire growth-minded curiosity and self-love through curated wellness experiences. 

Brene Brown defines curiosity in her book, Atlas of the Heart, as “recognizing a gap in our knowledge about something that interest us, and becoming emotionally and cognitively invested in closing that gap through exploration and learning.” She also writes, “you have to have some level of knowledge before we can become curious. We are not curious about something we are unaware of.” This retreat is curated to inspire and encourage curiosity and interest in the way we treat ourselves, and consequently others, by presenting many different perspectives of healing. Capo has brought together healers and practitioners from Sedona and Dallas to help lead you into a life filled with joy, abundance and curiosity.

Researchers are finding evidence that curiosity is correlated with creativity, intelligence, improved learning and memory, and problem solving. So, whether you are looking to heal from grief, trauma, gain more success or wanting to get more meaning out of your life, this retreat is for you. Trauma breeds comfort, until you don’t even realize it’s trauma anymore. Curiosity helps us shift into a new way of thinking and being, to allow us to confront our trauma and shift it out of our comfortable norms of fight or flight. We can use our trauma to become stronger, more connected humans by being curious and allowing for new experiences. Come experience curiosity with us and begin a new adventure.

“Joy is a full-body expression of happiness. The currency of that joy is gratitude.”

- Jason Napolitan

Your ticket includes: All events & workshops, meals, airport and event transportation, lodging, personal guide throughout your experience, welcome gift and concierge service while staying in Sedona. Airfare is not included. We require you to fly into Flagstaff, Arizona for included airport transfer.

  • All transactions and reservations are non-refundable and the credit card or bank account will be charged the full amount at the time of booking. Your ticket is transferrable and all transfers must be made at least 7 days before event date. Please email if you would like to transfer your ticket to another individual. There are no returns or refunds if the event must be cancelled due to acts of god, extreme weather, terrorist attacks or pandemic related outbreaks.

Sample Schedule*

*Final Schedule is subject to change once all participants have been properly consulted.

Day 1

12:00pm-2:00pm | Check in at Lodging

4:00pm | Introduction by Jason Napolitan

5:30 pm | Welcome Dinner and connection

7:30 pm | Group Releasing Ceremony

Day 2

7:30am | Breakfast

9:00am | Morning Breathwork (Jason)

10:30am | Breakout Session I or Vortex Land Journey (Daniel, Linda, Michelle & Barbara)

1:30pm | Lunch

2:30pm | Inner Child (Carrie)

6:30pm | Dinner

7:45pm | Fireside Tea Chat

Day 3

7:30-8:30am | Breakfast

9:00am | Horse Medicine Journey

11:30am | Lunch

1:00pm | Breakout Session II or Vortex Land Journey (Daniel, Linda, Michelle, Barbara, Valerie, Carrie, Shama)

3:00pm | Break

4:00pm | Breakout Session III or Vortex Land Journey

6:00pm | Dinner

8:00pm | Group Sound Healing

Day 4

7:30am | Mountain Top Breathwork

9:00am | Breakfast

11:30am | Breakout Session IV or Vortex Land Journey (Daniel, Linda, Michelle, Barbara, Valerie, Carrie, Shama)

1:30pm | Lunch

3:00pm | Cave Meditation (Jason, Carrie, Daniel)

6:00pm | Dinner

8:00pm | Fireside Tea Chat Experience

Day 5

8:00am | Mountain Top Meditation

9:00am | Closing Breakfast

10am | Leave with a renewed sense of self!

Click here to download a sample breakout session description.